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Visual innovation mind refining

At mind innovation college I create textbooks and courses using an advanced Trademarked solution focused cognitive process called Visual Innovation Mind Refining. We combine this process with Cognitive behavioural therapy, solution focused coaching, psychology processes & cognitive process in fully immersive theory textbooks. Now available to purchase



V.I.M.R is a three-part model of refining and scaling down a person’s life and mind. This cognitive approach was created to find, plan and implement a creative ideas or concepts into a practical life action plan for individuals. The V.I.M.R process can also be integrated into educational courses, or human resource/service sectors including life coaching, counselling, employment agencies and career consulting businesses. The user of V.I.M.R can produce student, employee, business or client innovation, creativity, and critical thinking of one’s own ideas and concepts to capitalise on, plus a practical action plan to implement those ideas.









© Mind Innovation College 2020

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